Vend it to win it
Vend it to win it
Vend it to win it
Ticket Price: ₹199
Ticket Price: ₹199
Ticket Price: ₹199
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Vend It to Win It is an exhilarating competition where participants hit the campus to sell provided products to a live audience. Contestants will showcase their sales skills, creativity, and charisma as they strive to generate the highest cash sales.
The competition is open to all students currently enrolled in class 11th/12th of any school or undergraduate/postgraduate programs at any college or university.
Participants must register before 25th November.
Candidates can compete as individual participants only.
Participants need to buy the entry passes for the day only.
Competition Format:-
The competition consists of one round only.
Participants will be given certain products and they need to sell it roaming around the campus within the given time.
Submission Requirements:-
Participants need to submit their advertisement presentation on the given drive. The presentation should clearly depict your advertisement idea and slogans.
The file should be submitted in .pdf format only.
All submission files should be renamed as per the given format only:-
[Participant/team name]_[University name]
Rules and Regulations:-
Participants are required to bring their university/school ID cards for the purpose of verification.
Submission of Advertisement presentation is mandatory, failing which the team will be disqualified from the competition.
Participants must keep the record of buyers i.e. Name, Contact number, and Screenshot of the payment done of their products.
No cash collections are allowed. The selling amount should only be transferred to the bank account/UPI provided.
No submissions after the deadline would be entertained.
Judging criteria:-
Amount collected by the team.(50% weightage)
Uniqueness of the advertisement idea(50% weightage)
Code of conduct:-
Participants are expected to conduct themselves ethically and mindfully throughout the competition.
Participants are expected to strictly prohibit inclusion of offensive/targeting content in their presentation.
Prizes and Recognition:-
Prizes will be awarded to the winners, including cash prizes i.e.
1st Position - 2000/-
2nd Position - 1000/-
Winners will also receive Participation or winning certificates on their registered Mail Id's.
Audience Favorite : Special recognition, exclusive merchandise, and a feature on the university’s social media.
Top participants may be invited to display their work in future university events or exhibitions.
Organiser’s Rights:-
The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team found to be in violation of the competition rules or guidelines.
The organizers' decisions regarding the competition, including judging and prize allocation, are non-revocable and binding.
Organizers reserve the right to use parts of your vending videos and pictures for marketing purposes.
The organizers reserve the right to amend or modify the competition rules and guidelines as necessary, with any changes communicated to participants in a timely manner that is 1 day prior to the competition.
By participating in Vend it to Win it, participants agree to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined in this rulebook and any additional instructions provided by the organizers. Let your creativity soar with the magic of mind-blowing concepts.
Vend It to Win It is an exhilarating competition where participants hit the campus to sell provided products to a live audience. Contestants will showcase their sales skills, creativity, and charisma as they strive to generate the highest cash sales.
The competition is open to all students currently enrolled in class 11th/12th of any school or undergraduate/postgraduate programs at any college or university.
Participants must register before 25th November.
Candidates can compete as individual participants only.
Participation Fees: Rs. 199.
Competition Format:-
The competition consists of one round only.
Participants will be given certain products and they need to sell it roaming around the campus within the given time.
Submission Requirements:-
Participants need to submit their advertisement presentation on the given drive. The presentation should clearly depict your advertisement idea and slogans.
The file should be submitted in .pdf format only.
All submission files should be renamed as per the given format only:-
[Participant/team name]_[University name]
Rules and Regulations:-
Participants are required to bring their university/school ID cards for the purpose of verification.
Submission of Advertisement presentation is mandatory, failing which the team will be disqualified from the competition.
Participants must keep the record of buyers i.e. Name, Contact number, and Screenshot of the payment done of their products.
No cash collections are allowed. The selling amount should only be transferred to the bank account/UPI provided.
No submissions after the deadline would be entertained.
Judging criteria:-
Amount collected by the team.(50% weightage)
Uniqueness of the advertisement idea(50% weightage)
Code of conduct:-
Participants are expected to conduct themselves ethically and mindfully throughout the competition.
Participants are expected to strictly prohibit inclusion of offensive/targeting content in their presentation.
Prizes and Recognition:-
Prizes will be awarded to the winners, including cash prizes i.e.
1st Position - 2000/-
2nd Position - 1000/-
Winners will also receive Participation or winning certificates on their registered Mail Id's.
Audience Favorite : Special recognition, exclusive merchandise, and a feature on the university’s social media.
Top participants may be invited to display their work in future university events or exhibitions.
Organiser’s Rights:-
The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team found to be in violation of the competition rules or guidelines.
The organizers' decisions regarding the competition, including judging and prize allocation, are non-revocable and binding.
Organizers reserve the right to use parts of your vending videos and pictures for marketing purposes.
The organizers reserve the right to amend or modify the competition rules and guidelines as necessary, with any changes communicated to participants in a timely manner that is 1 day prior to the competition.
By participating in Vend it to Win it, participants agree to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined in this rulebook and any additional instructions provided by the organizers. Let your creativity soar with the magic of mind-blowing concepts.